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Expiry DateWarrant CodeUnderlying Stock
2025/01/2723790GALAXY ENT
2025/01/2725066AAC TECH
2025/01/2725315MENGNIU DAIRY
2025/01/2725400LENOVO GROUP
2025/01/2725500HUA HONG SEMI
2025/01/2725911BYD COMPANY
2025/01/2726029CHINA MOBILE
2025/01/2726064CHINA MOBILE
2025/01/2726065CHINA TELECOM
2025/01/2726302Hang Seng Index
2025/01/2726303Hang Seng Index
2025/01/2726404Hang Seng Index
2025/01/2726424Hang Seng Index
2025/01/2726439Hang Seng Index
2025/01/2726440Hang Seng Index
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